Saturday, March 15, 2025

Three halves

I went to Ivy's soccer game at Cavigal, which was a friendly match between the U11 and U13 girls. They had one half, then a short halftime break, then the second half. After that was done, I figured the game was over. But none of the parents were leaving the bleachers. Weird.

Then everyone went back on the field and played a third half! I was so confused!

Turns out that they kept switching up the teams after each 25-minute half, so it was like 3 mini games. No matter what team Ivy was on, her team won every time, sometimes by a lot.

I was quite chilled by the end, though. I dressed in several layers but the sun disappeared behind clouds at the end.

Inga also had a game, in Grasse, and it was pouring during the first half. She came home chilled and a bit grumpy. I don't blame her. They won 14-0.

We had time, finally, to watch a show together. We saw two episodes of Night Sky. One more to go! We also baked chocolate chip cookies, which turned out perfectly! I only let the kids have one each, despite vigorous protests. (They'd also had a pain au chocolate earlier in the day, so they weren't deprived of sweets by any means.)


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