Monday, June 24, 2024

Another one down

Dio woke up with a fever, body aches, and other afflictions. He and Ivy both stayed home from school. He was conked out much of the day--he takes after Eric.

Ivy was so disappointed that she missed today becuase it was the "journée sportive" and she was sure she would have won it. She was crying when I put her to bed this evening.

Eric has a friend visiting; they know each other from their unversity years. She was on the soccer team and he used to hang out with a whole group of the soccer players.

What else? I installed the kitchen sink in Le Catamaran. Lots of computer work today. Did sprint intervals this morning.

It's still weirdly cool and overcast here for this time of year. I don't mind, honestly, since normally we're in hot sunny weather with nary a cloud in sight. The weather is more like March than June.


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