Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bastille Day, picnic, Euro Cup, improvised ping pong

It's Bastille Day but all focus is on the Tour de France arrival this coming weekend. The normal fireworks were cancelled because there's a fireworks/drone show on Saturday night as part of the Tour de France celebrations.

Ivy wasn't feeling well (again) so I stayed home with her in the morning. I don't doubt that she is unwell, since many of us have been feeling under the weather, but letting her stay up late the last few nights hasn't helped either. I told her she had to be in bed by 9 pm tonight, period.

Because we knew we'd be swimming later one, we decided to watch a movie in the afternoon with everyone. Well, not Eric--he went spearfishing and caught a mulet! (currently in our kitchen sink waiting to be cleaned).

We had a picnic & swim at the beach this evening with Eric's sister and her familiy and some friends of ours. Now that Zari has figured out how to equalize her ears, she is super gung-ho to learn how how to dive. Eric took her out and said she could go almost as deep as him, albeit her breath holding is much shorter. She even found a very nice Mares dive mask that is now hers!

We headed back in time to watch the Euro Cup match, England vs. Spain. The kids and cousins have rigged up an improvised ping pong table with painting tape and barbeque skewers.

The game was quite exciting to watch. We have crowds of (now very disappointed) English people at the Irish pub at the corner. It's an Anglo ex-pat hangout.


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