Friday, August 16, 2024


Due to thunderstorms and downpours and 6:30 am soccer practice, I drove Zari and Dio to and from school today. Because of their different start times, I made 5 trips! So very American.

We are undergoing our decontamination tonight--showers for the sweaty soccer-playing kids, then NIX cream, complete with totally washed bedding and all clothes going through the wash. Yay us.

I have a dermatologist cousin and, at my mom's prompting, I sent him an email. Nothing like saying, "Hey, we haven't talked for years, so how about I tell you all about my weird skin rash?" He said, "I love weird skin rashes! Tell me all about it."

He's leaning towards some other type of bug bite but said it wouldn't hurt to treat for scabies since we have the cream.

Amazingly, we were all home for dinner tonight. Most weeknights that isn't the case due to soccer (also so very American--everyone running everywhere and rarely sitting down together for dinner). It was so fun to just be together and joke around. We watched "A Man Called Otto," which definitely was not a comedy as advertised!

I 100% get engineers and their need for order in the universe. (My dad is one, my grandpa is one, and in another life maybe I would have been one. As it is, I do plenty of on-the-fly engineering between my renovating and my breech work, like designing and building the foldable simulator frame with my dad, or the giant pelvis.)

I took Zari driving today. It was her first time driving outside of a parking lot in the US! We went far out on a country road and I think she's much more comfortable now. She even went--gasp--55 mph! I hate to admit it, but it is so much easier for her to learn on an electric car, compared to our 5-speed manual transmission Mazda 5. This new (used) car has 1-pedal driving, which means you basically never need to use the brake pedal except for emergencies. It's a bit weird for me but more intuitive for new drivers.


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