Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Soccer, quizzes, books

Half of our family was gone until 10:20 pm! Zari came home at 10 pm from her away soccer game, and then I had to go to the high school and pick her up. (I was supposed to go at 9:30 and totally forgot...oops...but it worked out ok). Inga and Eric had just pulled in when we came home. Dio's soccer practice ended at 8 and Ivy came home right before I had to pick him up. Such is life chez les Freezes.

I had a super productive work day, putting together an interactive online quiz that goes along with our breech birth video analysis (volume 3). I picked and edited 19 videos, cutting them into short excerpts, fast-forwarding parts and putting others in slow-motion, then worked on integrating each excerpt with a quiz question and discussion point.

We're filming the video analysis tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow...I have something like 6 hours of Zoom meetings! Aie!

Also 10 boxes of books arrived on my porch today. I'm teaching a group of 100-150 Amish midwives next week in Missouri and thought I'd bring a pile of books to sell.

Zari came home elated from her game; she played the best and hardest ever and scored 1 goal, assisted another, and had many shots on goal that were blocked. Her team won 5-0. I'm so proud that it "clicked" and she really notched up her effort.

We're past the peak of the heat wave. We were supposed to get thunderstorms today but I saw no trace of one anywhere! We need the rain.


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