Sunday, March 23, 2025

Late night filming

Zari and I are up well past midnight working on college application stuff! (Not initial applications, but post-admission stuff). The last step was to film a video response to a discussion question, 1-2 minutes long, so evaluators can see how she might be in a classroom setting. We have one hour to do it and we'll get it done with 15 minutes to spare.

It was our last day with my parents. They leave at 4 am tomorrow. We're already looking forward to their return next January. We had a delicious dinner (big salad, wild rice soup, chocolate lava cakes).

Sun in the morning, more rain in the early evening. I went on a few walks, one with my parents, Dio, and Ivy.

Zari was gone much of the day at a soccer game in Draguignan. Her team lost 5-1, but honestly it's an improvement over some of the other massacres! She had some shots on goal and I think she felt good about how she played.

Inga had a match this afternoon, winning 3-1 (I think...sometimes the scores get all mixed up in my head!).

Here's a video of last night's crazy rain.


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