On top of all my other duties, I've been doing our taxes. It's not an easy feat because we have so many expenditures and receipts to track and of course I'm doing it all by hand. But...it's almost done and ready to send off to our tax person!
Dinner was sauteed vegetables and hamburgers (Ivy's request) and some cookies I found at Aldi. Fasting day for me so I got to prep but not eat!
Dio's soccer cleats came completely apart. After multiple gluings, they could not be resuscitated so he and Eric went shoe shopping today. It look a long time but he finally found a pair that fit well.
It's feeling like spring here. It comes on slowly and gradually. But mornings are now 9-10 degrees instead of 4-7. I ran without a jacket or gloves (which I usually take off, even in the winter, once I'm warmed up).
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