Monday, April 20, 2020

French quarantine day 32

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Dio was an emotional mess all day. He's been begging to open his birthday presents early (his birthday is this coming Sunday). I keep saying no. He's miserable. This led to several explosive bouts of crying and anger and fights with siblings. "This is the worst day of the whole quarantine!" he announced.

Of all of our children, he is the worst at delayed gratification.

I told him: if you ever feel sad or upset, come get me and we'll snuggle. It's okay to feel this way, but it's not okay to get mad at your family.

All of the children seemed...difficult today. It's just one of those days. The rain and gray sky matched our mood indoors.

(Photo from a few days ago)

1 comment:

  1. I have a child who is in the same position as Dio--he's been begging me for days for an early birthday present! Every morning he's near tears and sometimes in tears. Luckily, his birthday is tomorrow (or, later, technically, since it's after midnight now), so he can finally open his gifts (and I will no longer be badgered by his begging). I hope you make it through this week! Good luck!


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