Wednesday, May 20, 2020

French déconfinement day 10

10,718 steps

I was feeling despondent and unmotivated much of the day. I even curled up on the daybed and took a nap. So unlike me! I've been dealing with these feelings by reading.

I suppose reading is a fairly benign way of coping. Reading got me through those icky weeks of pregnancy nausea; I even immortalized coping-reading on Ivy's birth quilt.

We spent a few hours up at the chateau with several friends. Lots of Vitamin D therapy.

The kids started online piano lessons a few weeks ago with my mom. She's a Suzuki violin teacher but has also taken pedagogy classes for piano. She is thrilled that our children are finally learning music.

Music has been a huge part of my life since I was 5 years old. I was a violin performance major in college, until I realized that I wanted to study too many other things outside of music. And being a music major--the grades, the competition, the juried recitals--took the joy out of playing the violin. (Or maybe I was just afraid of not being the best and took the coward's way out...who knows!)


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