Thursday, May 07, 2020

French quarantine day 49

6,075 steps

None of us had the energy to do school properly today.

The streets no longer look deserted, even though quarantine hasn't ended. I think the police have given up. We've seen the police driving by people walking where they shouldn't be...and just yelling out helpful warnings: "Just so you know, you're not supposed to be out exercising right now. Just so you know." And then they drive off.

We picked up our 12 masks (2 per person). They're simple pleated fabric masks. I'm not sure they'll do much, other than make people feel safer and perhaps block large particles if someone coughs.

We've seen several impromptu panier solidarité stations pop up. One is next to our front door. Donate what you no longer want; take what you need. This larger one is near the Place Garibaldi. This would be a good time to clear out our closets and attic.

Zari discovered how to make "broken glass" out of ice. We now have a continually wet dining room table as the kids "eat" glass as soon as it's frozen enough.


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