My off day ended up being fuller than expected, but in a good way. I went running in the morning along the river. I'm still not adapted to the hotter temperatures here! It's several degrees (C) hotter than Nice at the moment.
I gave my friend a personal breech workshop, since she kindly lead both activity stations yesterday and missed out on the hands-on training herself. She was very gracious and helped me film a dual-angle Spanish simulation session, with one camera filming her doing the maneuvers and explaining them in Spanish, and the other camera filming from "inside" the mama.
After a late Spanish lunch (3 pm), we headed to the Aljafería Palace, an Islamic palace/fortress dating back to the 11th century. We had a guided tour in Spanish and she translated bits to me. It's surprising how much I can pick up because many words are similar to French, given that I have not taken Spanish except for one semester in 7th grade--which means I remember nothing 🙂
We originally had plans to go salsa dancing, but we were both too exhausted. Instead, we stayed in and had an "early" dinner (8:30 pm). Her partner cooked a tortilla (Spanish omelet made with potatoes & eggs).
I changed my train ticket tomorrow to an early departure so that I can visit a friend in Barcelona, someone I haven't seen in almost 12 years since Inga was a baby! My flight doesn't leave until early evening so we'll have a good portion of the day to spend together.
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