Thursday, February 27, 2025

Many Zoom meetings today...comme d'hab!

I captured a candid camera video of Inga and Dio goofing around speaking with very bad accents.

3 out of 4 kids had soccer today.

Oh--great news--Zari got accepted into Trinity College at the University of Toronto with a first year scholarship that would cover tuition and a bit more! She also is accepted at the University of Ottawa. All of the other places she's still waiting to hear back from, but so far these are both excellent choices and very interesting to her.

It's still going to be a challenge to fund housing. Room & board, if she lives on campus in Toronto, is $20k Canadian ($14k USD) for 8 months. (Ouch!) We crunched some numbers and even if she worked 20 hours per week, she would not make nearly enough to pay for room and board. So now we have to apply for more scholarships and see if she can get enough financial aid to make it affordable. We're also going to see what the cost is to live off-campus and cook her own food.

Meanwhile in France, the *entire* yearly cost for university is 175 Euros. Gasp.

I still harbor a hope that she would stay here. She'd graduate in 2 more years and then could be starting grad school at age 20! But of course she needs to live her own life so we'll just give her lots of options and help her figure out how to make them work.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

We've made some delicious cookies yesterday and today: apricot butter cookies (like my German grandma used to make), also with another flavor variation of red currant filling, plus thin mint cookies.

My day was filled with breech work (lots of meetings, working on the video analysis project & a new twin publication, video captioning), plus treating some mold that was growing on some spots on the walls. I did go running, which I haven't done for a while.

Dinner was roasted potatoes with creamy herbed pork chops.

Lots of homework for Inga and Zari.

Oh, Zari applied for her visa yesterday and was provisionally accepted, just awaiting the final card! We had to go to the prefecture with her. We handed the clerk a stack of 150 pages that we had prepared, with help from our attorneys. She looked at them, frowned, and said, "Vous avez trop de documents! Vraiment trop!" She gave about half of them back to us and continued frowning as if we had done it just to annoy her. By the end she looked less grumpy but at first, phew! I felt like a misbehaving school child getting sent to the principal's office.

Progress picture of the kitchen. All done except the countertops and backsplashes (arriving in about a month) and my desk, which will go on the far right side. We're deciding between making a built-in desk vs buying an antique.

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Monday, February 24, 2025

Back to normal life...7 am wakeup, school, work. We had some tired children this morning!

I got a lot of things checked off on my to-do list, which was satisfying.

Zari has her appointment at the Prefecture tomorrow morning, for which we had to print almost 150 pages of supporting documents. Our attorney advised us to go along with her; I'm hoping they'll let us in since the "convocation" doesn't name us specifically, just her. They can be like that at the Prefecture.

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Some wins, some losses

Everyone but Ivy had soccer games today. I went to Dio's this morning, and his team won 3-0. Inga and Zari had afternoon games. Inga's team won 3-1 with Inga scoring one beautiful goal. Zari's team lost 5-0.

My mom made an amazing dinner, which I couldn't eat because today is my fasting day. It will be so good tomorrow!
  • Mixed greens with beets, goat cheese, pistachios, pomegranate seeds, and a homemade dressing
  • Roasted butternut squash
  • Lemon basil salmon
  • Molten lava cakes with whipping cream
I'm feeling a bit fuzzy headed but that's probably the fasting :)

I have tons of work to catch up on tomorrow--well, all next week! I always have more work than time so this will just add to the pile.

Back to school tomorrow after 2 weeks' break.
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Saturday, February 22, 2025


Except for a super long line at the Mont Blanc tunnel, we had an uneventful drive home with no stops required. Lots of goofiness in the car, sometimes too much noise (from Dio and Inga), many snacks consumed.

I'll deal with putting all of the ski gear away tomorrow. Right now our living room is stuffed with bags of equipment.

I forgot that I'd turned the water heater on vacation mode, so we have a lineup of kids who want to shower but no hot water.

Two soccer games tomorrow, hopefully some good down time as well.
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Friday, February 21, 2025

Chamonix day 6

We had a lovely last day of skiing. Sunny, calm, and probably the warmest day yet. The bottom slopes were like skiing on a "granita" (slushy drink)! We stayed up top as much as possible and the snow was still good almost everywhere.

No one got injured, which is always a stressor during ski vacation. I feel like I'm holding my breath until day 6 has passed and then I can finally relax :)

Pictures at the very top with Mont Blanc in the background

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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Chamonix day 5

Well today was a bust--for me. I went to bed last night, quite tired, but then I was wide awake. Hours passed and I was so bored listening to Eric breathe, listening to the grooming machines grinding and beeping in the distance, listening to various kids and Eric wake up a few times to use the bathroom. And here I was still wide awake. I read for a bit but mostly just laid there...all night...still wide awake when it got light out. Still awake when my alarm went off.

Ugh. So I skipped skiing today. I tried napping in the morning but wasn't able to sleep either. So then I just kept myself going by doing work, walking to the grocery store, etc.

I'm surprised I've been sleeping so terribly, given that we're skiing all day. I've only had one night of normal sleep and the rest has been significantly disrupted.

Anyway enough of my (lack of) sleep saga. Tomorrow is our last day so I am determined to go skiing no matter how much or little I sleep. The snow has been getting worse so it will probably be both icy and slushy tomorrow, especially on the lower slopes. We'll stay as high as possible.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Chamonix day 4

We had some talk of insubordination today: "I'm tired. I want to end early. I'm bored of skiing the same things every day." I admit, I felt some of those same things, too! It's hard work skiing 6 days in a row. And while there are several resorts all part of our ski pass, we've been staying in our favorite one because it has the best snow. But that means we ski the same runs...over and over. There is a ton of "hors piste" (off trail) skiing, but that is losing a bit of appeal since we don't have any fresh snow and it's getting more compacted.

But, Eric came up with the idea of playing "follow the leader" in the afternoon. We took turns letting one person choose where to ski and we all had to follow. So far 4/6 have had their turn. Everyone else has chosen off-trail but I like sticking on the groomed runs and going smooth and fast.

Tomorrow morning Ivy and Inga will have their turns.

I had to end about a half hour earlier than everyone else because my left shin started killing me--like being stabbed every time I leaned on it. Very out of the blue. It was not fun skiing that last long run home!

We saw another priest/Father skiing today. It may have been the same person as yesterday.

We've been watching very random TV shows, and the kids' favorite is an Australian reality TV show where the airport customs officers stop people for all sorts of infractions. My and Eric's favorite is Chateau XXL, featuring several couples/families who are renovating chateaus in France (all English people, so I'm guessing it was first an English TV show and then got dubbed over). Inga was groaning because it was "so boring and I want to watch the customs show!! Not this stupid boring chateau show!"
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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Chamonix day 3

Despite being exhausted from skiing, I couldn't fall asleep until something like 2 am or later. I opted to rest in the morning and rejoin everyone after lunch.

Most interesting thing we saw today: a Catholic priest/monk/friar skiing in full priestly robes. I'm not sure of the correct terminology for his office, but he had a long black dress on, no rope around the waist that I could see. Plus he was skiing! Not something you see every day!
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Monday, February 17, 2025

Chamonix day 2

Not much new to report. Same gorgeous, clear, calm weather, slightly below freezing at the top and slightly above at the bottom. Lots of great skiing. Sore legs, tired bodies, happy minds at the end of the day.

Eric and I did a quick grocery run after we got home (a 10-minute walk to the center of the village). We have most of what we need for the week but there are always miscellaneous ingredients that we need.

The 3 youngest had enough energy to go sledding in the dark after dinner.

No snow in the forecast at all this week, so alas no fresh powder this time. There are a few remote places that you can get to if you're intrepid where there is a bit of unskied powder, but every day it shrinks. Amost everywhere you can imagine, and some places where I cannot imagine how people even got there, has been skied over.

I did a load of hand washed laundry tonight (no washing machine--the big downside of this apartment). Otherwise it's pretty fanastic. A few minor inconveniences such as no knives for chopping vegetables, no hot pads for taking things out of the oven, etc. But we can make do.
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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Chamonix day 1

We finished our first day of hurtling ourselves down a mountain on sticks, with great enjoyment. The apartment has no wifi, so I either have to sit outside in the snow or lift my computer up to this one area by the bedroom window (about 4' off the ground) where I can get a very weak signal. Anyway all is good over in sunny, snowy Mont Blanc.

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Friday, February 14, 2025

Packing up

Our ski gear is organized into piles. Everyone has ski pants, jackets, gloves, helmets, goggles, and other accessories. We didn't have time to plan meals and buy groceries ahead of time, which I prefer doing. I'll see if I can do that tomorrow but if not, I guess we'll have to go grocery shopping once we arrive. (I hate thinking about that after a long drive. I just want to settle in and relax.)

I ran lots of errands today between breech work.

Ivy and Inga have been crafting all sorts of Valentine's things out of paper. They're still up gluing and cutting and giggling, way too late. But "it's vacation!" as they always say. Plus they can nap in the car tomorrow.

Edit: back with pictures of the Valentine's cards, which were "from" me to Eric and vice-versa. They spent all day making these elaborate cards. One of them has a 3-D popup thing inside.

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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Saved by the Frenchman and his hammer

We finally were able to go hiking! We chose the Crête du mont Macaron, which is a 7 km hike rated as "easy" with a total of 300 m elevation gain (keeping in mind my parents were coming and they both have knee issues).

We left in the morning and thought we'd be back my early to mid afternoon, even with taking our time, stopping for a picnic lunch, etc.

It was a lovely day--totally calm, a bit overcast, but with the occasional burst of sun. Chilly but amazing when the sun came out.

We had just loaded up in the car and had driven a few km down the roads back towards Nice when a big truck came speeding up the other side of the road, taking up part of our lane as well as his. Eric had to veer off onto the side of the road, but unfortunately right at that spot there were big rocks. We heard *crunch bang bang bang bang* and it immediately became apparent that we had blown a tire.

We were on narrow, winding mountain roads so we couldn't really pull over, but we kept going maybe another 50 meters until there was at least a tiny place to stop the car.

Our front passenger wheel was totally destroyed--shredded open in at least 2 spots. So then we had to unload the whole car and figure out how to open up the tool kits and unhook the spare tire. Once that was accomplished, we started loosening the nuts and jacking up the car. It all went more or less smoothly until all of the nuts were off and the car was raised up high.

Then we couldn't get the tire off! It had completely rusted together onto the mount. (Sorry, I don't know the technical terms here!). We tried kicking it, then whacking it with a big rock in multiple places. No luck.

A very nice man pulled over to see if he could help. More whacking and hammering and luck. Finally he wished us well and drove off.

We finally called roadside assistance, and they said they'd send someone in 45-60 minutes and that we'd get a call from the local "depanneur." I gave them the name of the road we were on and explained that we were out in the country hiking.

More kicking and hammering...more frustration...and my phone rings: "Hello, it's the depanneur. Where are you?" I explained that we were out in the country between X and Y villages and he said, "Oh, they said you were in Nice! I can't help you. You'll need to call roadside assistance again."

I was just about to call when Mr. Frenchman shows up again, this time with tools! In particular, a hefty hammer. "You're lucky--my son realized he had forgotten his stuffed animal so I had to drive by again!" We cranked the wheel all the way to the right so he could hammer at the tire from the back and it started working! Finally it gave way fell to the ground.

We thanked him profusely because this tire would not have come off without that hammer. It was fairly quick to put the spare tire on (a bit deflated, but still ok) and then drive slowly back home. Phew.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The best themepark

I had some returns to make at Ikea, so we made an excursion out of it, bringing Ivy and Inga and my grandparents. We took the tram and enjoyed wandering VERY SLOWLY through the entire store while Ivy and Inga opened every door, drawer, and cupboard they could find. They loved all of the little apartments they could explore.

Who needs Disneyland when you can go to Ikea for free?

We ate lunch, enjoying half off the hot meals (a Wednesday special, as evidence by the packed cafeteria). We so rarely eat out that it's a huge treat for the kids.

Eric joined us after lunch and we made a quick stop at the Musée National du Sport before going home.

We had a friend of Eric's over after dinner for crepes--someone a few years younger who he hadn't seen since high school. He and his wife and one of their children were spending some time in France. They have 15 children ages 3-23! Fifteen! And they both look super young. I of course had to ask about her births and it was a really fun conversation. Eric made an enormous stack of crepes and we have just two left.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

We've been here for 2 months and still haven't gone hiking once! It's driving me crazy. We were going to go tomorrow but rain is forecast all day.

Lots of meetings today, punctuated by errands and a quick walk to see the Carnaval setup. Not much to see yet, since it doesn't officially open until tomorrow
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Monday, February 10, 2025

Putting my life in order

We did a huge tool reorganization, moving all of the renovating tools out of the apartment, cleaning out and organizing our small storage area in the basement, and bringing the less-used and larger tools over to our storage area in our garage. Dio helped me for about 2 hours, carrying every item up and/or down many flights of stairs. I agree to pay him with a new Brawl Stars pass. (Why is that game so interesting? I have no idea!)

Ivy thought she was going to have a baby tooth pulled (needed for her orthodontia) but the dentist we went to doesn't pull kids' teeth. I had to make a new appointment with a pediatric dentist and that will be after ski week. She was much relieved.

I did a huge spice/pantry reorganization. Everything is now in glass jars, labeled, and organized alphabetically and by size. There is something deeply soothing about organizing my household. Eric doesn't get it but at least he puts up with it.

Freeze Family Foot this evening was lots of fun. I had breech meetings while they were gone. Zari can't participate due to her class schedule, unfortunately.

Oh, Zari went to the Prefecture because she has to go there to set an appointment to put in her papers to request a visa. (Typical of a prefecture). The convocation just said to come any day so we looked up the hours (open until 5 pm) and she got there at 2:35 pm.

They wouldn't let her in. "Sorry, you can only be in line from 1:30-2:30."

Of course this isn't posted anywhere on their website. You just have to know.

She has to go back tomorrow (and miss class, because every 1-hour opening at the Prefecture the rest of this week overlaps with her classes and next week she will be 5 hours away hurtling herself down steep mountain slopes on 2 pieces of wood).

Now she knows the joy of The Place Where Hopes and Dreams Go To Die.
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Sunday, February 09, 2025

Wave of dizziness

I woke up this morning, opened my eyes, and was hit by a wave of vertigo so strong that I thought I would throw up. I got myself downstairs and to the bathroom and it subsided. Very strange and out of the blue.

I wasn't feeling very well this morning--a bit feverish and quiet "off"--so I stayed home and slept almost the whole morning! If you know me, you know that is so out of character for me. Meaning I really needed that rest.

I'm feeling pretty good, in part because I only fasted 24 hrs and decided to have dinner. I just didn't have the drive to power through until tomorrow on top of feeling unwell.

We watched 2 more episodes of "Around the world in 80 days" and spend some lovely time as a family reading and sunning ourselves on the beach. It's so hard to get the kids out, though! "Do we have to? It's so boring at the beach." Ugh, if only they could hear themselves!

I finally installed the facade door on the washing machine in Le Chateau, after 2+ years (due to a lack of a template).

Lucky Ivy gets to have one of her baby teeth pulled because it's keeping her aftercoming adult tooth from coming in. We have an appointment tomorrow, although I'm not sure if they'll put it right then or have her back for a 2nd appointment.

Everyone but Zari is on holiday so I foresee lots of hikes and other fun activities. Then we go skiing on Saturday!!!!!!!
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Saturday, February 08, 2025

I came down with The Plague yesterday afternoon. It hit hard and fast and I could barely move shortly after it started.

I'm feeling a bit icky today but definitely better than 24 hours ago.

Inga and Ivy both had games. Inga's team lost 6-0 and yet again they played Inga on defense the whole time, to everyone's frustration (including a lot of other parents: "Why are the playing Inga on defense? That makes no sense!"). Ivy's team won 4-2. Then they went to a professional game at the big stadium, joined by Dio who I had to basically push out the door because he was feeling a lot of teenage inertia.

No soccer games for anyone tomorrow!
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Friday, February 07, 2025

Help me choose new glasses!

I'm ordering new glasses online. Prices are amazing but I can only try them on virtually. This is as good as I can get, trying to ensure they're to scale but it's not 100% certain. Some may be a bit bigger in the pictures than in real life.

I'm going to buy 2 pairs so help me choose your top 2 favorites!! I'd prefer one pair that are more invisible and the other can be a bit more dramatic. Other news: I came down with a fever, chills, and bodyache this afternoon very rapidly. I'm now huddled under a blanket and next to a hot water bottle.

We're officially on school vacation for the next 2 weeks, everyone except Zari. She gets just 1 week off, the following week.

We had lots of meetings today: with our immigration attorneys to discuss the next steps for us and the with breech-related stuff...Eric with nonprofit-related stuff with the Board he's serving on.
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Thursday, February 06, 2025

Bad vision

My vision has been seeming off and wearing contacts or glasses seemed worse than foregoing entirely. I finally went to an opthlamologist and my "bad" eye is still the same (-1) but my "good" eye is even better (used to be -1, now -0.25). That's why I didn't like wearing glasses or contacts--they were too strong in one eye! I now offically only need to wear contacts in one eye since they don't come in -0.25. I need to get new glasses, though.

Not a whole lot else going on besides the usual. The plumber comes tomorrow and we'll have a fully functioning kitchen with temporary countertops! So excited!
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Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Every day I'm working my way through little kitchen tasks. We're so close (except for the counters)! But not done and so it drives me crazy because I want to FINISH things.

We'll have a functioning sink, dishwasher, and washing machine by Friday, which means we can finally cook up here again.

I co-taught a big lecture at UCSF yesterday and had tons of other breech work going on. Still catching up on various tasks that seem to multiply faster than I can resolve them!

We had a nice evening downstairs with my parents where we talked and the kids worked on their book nooks. Dio was mostly upstairs doing homework, though.
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Monday, February 03, 2025

After several weeks of rain and/or illness, we were finally able to have our Monday night FFFF: Freeze Family Football (and Friends!). Zari had class, but the rest of the kids went, along with one of Ivy's classmates (who lived in our apartment while we were in the States).

We made a trip to Ikea to return All The Stuff and to buy More Stuff. Not much else to do on the kitchen for 5-6 weeks until the countertops arrive.

I'm getting a big presentation ready for UCSF tomorrow--Whitney Rose Pinger and I will be talking about "Vaginal Breech Birth: Why It Is Important and How To Establish a Collaborative Breech Service."
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Saturday, February 01, 2025

Rain, soccer, and more kitchen work

Ivy had a tournament this afternoon, 4 short games. She played a bit but was still quite tired in her post-flu recovery. Inga had an afternoon game (they won 5-0, but she came home depressed because she was yet again put on defense although all of her training and skills is in offense). And more rain much of the day.

My dad and I installed the oven and the crown moldings. I cleaned off the dining room table--I haven't seen the top of it for a few weeks now! We measured and drew up the plans for the countertop and backsplashes and got them sent off to the quartz manufacturer. I did the initial measuring, drew up the plans, and then had my dad come with me and measure again to be sure I didn't miss anything obvious.

Dio and Zari made spicy crab sushi for dinner, along with roasted brussels sprouts (my mom) and tiramisu (me).

I've been waking up way too early the past several mornings, usually between 5:30-6 am--and not on purpose! I just have so much on my mind, mostly planning the next kitchen renovation thing.
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