Monday, March 03, 2025

Happy 14th birthday, Inga! (yesterday)

We had a busy weekend and birthday. On Saturday, both girls had soccer games. Then we had a HUGE gathering at our house with 4 other families and all of their kids for a potluck dinner. It was incredibly fun and incredibly noisy.

We all then walked together to the beach to watch the burning of the king and the fireworks.

Then yesterday, Inga's birthday, we started the day with a pancake breakfast. Dio then had a soccer game in the morning (winning 3-0, which I watched). Zari had a game in the afternoon, so we made sure to do the ritual reading of the birth story and opening presents before Zari left.

Later in the afternoon, we had a smaller gathering with just one other family. They arrived as Inga was starting to pipe the decorations on the cake, so we ended up decorating, then singing/eating/opening presents, and then at the very end, sending the kids to the park.

After they left, we had a delicious dinner cooked by Eric: steamed artichokes dipped in cream and blanquette de veau.

I can't believe she's already 14 and so tall! Sigh...

Today she and I went clothes shopping after school. I bought her a pair of pants and a sweater and she bought herself a zip-up sweatshirt with her birthday money.

Ivy came home at lunch very sick and hardly moved off the couch after that, wrapped in several layers of blankets and shivering and complaining that her whole body hurt.
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