Zari and I are up well past midnight working on college application stuff! (Not initial applications, but post-admission stuff). The last step was to film a video response to a discussion question, 1-2 minutes long, so evaluators can see how she might be in a classroom setting. We have one hour to do it and we'll get it done with 15 minutes to spare.
It was our last day with my parents. They leave at 4 am tomorrow. We're already looking forward to their return next January. We had a...
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Saturday, March 22, 2025
The day started with pancakes and ended with swing dancing and rain (but not in the rain!). We slept in and woke up at various times, me first and the last two kids at 9:40 when I roused them out of bed. We made pancakes mid-morning.
We finished the last episode of Night Sky and we are very sad there is no season 2. Now we need to find something else to watch.
Eric brought Ivy to a soccer game mid-afternoon, which her team won 8-2, with Ivy scoring 2 goals.
I went...
Friday, March 21, 2025
You can't beat free

Thursday, March 20, 2025
I started the day off with a run (sprint intervals) around the port and back. I'm glad I got out. I've just been so unmotivated lately, in part because I have so much work that it feels hard to justify taking time away to exercise. But the work will never be done, no matter how fast I complete my to-do list.
I made Toulouse sausages roasted with fennel, mustard, thyme, and red wine. French comfort food. We also had aubergines à la provençale for our vegetable. It's very close to...
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
My parents have more visitors, although this family is staying at their own Airbnb since they are a family of 5. They arrived early in the morning and I joined them for lunch at our favorite restaurant, L'eau de Vie. So delicious!
I had lots of meetings sprinkled throughout the day.
We took family pictures in the late afternoon with an Australian photographer who has recently moved here from Italy. She was looking for families to photograph to add to her portfolio. I'm excited to see the pictures!
Inga made the first...
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Well, that was exciting--we had an earthquake in Nice this evening! Nothing super strong (magnitude 4.1) but it's the first one I've ever felt in my life.
Zari was in class and she said the auditorium windows began to rattle and the building shook. She thought at first it was an explosion.
The other kids and Eric were at soccer and are super disappointed that they missed it--they were driving at the time.
Zari got really sick yesterday (fever, chills, body aches, headache, sore throat) and spent most of the day...
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Fun with family finances
I used Mint intermittently, but for the past several decades I've mostly done our family finances the old-fashioned way: Excel and/or calculators. But after doing taxes this last year, I decided it was time to level up and find a tool that would help me keep track of and categorize everything.
Now I am really missing Mint--it was free and more than functional for what I needed.
This weekend I've been on the hunt for finance tracking software. Free would have been nice but there are very few totally free...
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Three halves
I went to Ivy's soccer game at Cavigal, which was a friendly match between the U11 and U13 girls. They had one half, then a short halftime break, then the second half. After that was done, I figured the game was over. But none of the parents were leaving the bleachers. Weird.
Then everyone went back on the field and played a third half! I was so confused!
Turns out that they kept switching up the teams after each 25-minute half, so it was like 3 mini games. No matter what team...
Friday, March 14, 2025
I only had like 4 meetings today! Haha.
More rain today. Soccer games tomorrow for Inga and Ivy and Eric. Zari and Dio and I will probably go to another movie!
We got a "panier surprise" via 2Good2Go--I haven't done this in a while--and it was excellent! 6 pastries, 1 fruit/yogurt/granola cup, 1 large whole grain baguette, 2 smaller baguettes, 3 large sandwiches, and 1 large salade Niçoise...for 4 Euros total! I should do this more often.
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Thursday, March 13, 2025
6 meetings
I had 6 meetings scheduled today from 10:30 am - 10:30 pm. Phew! Definitely a record day, or close to it, for me.
I got enough motivation to do my sprint intervals this morning. And we had sun! Rain arrived early evening but it was glorious to have hours of sunlight. And dry laundry.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
I'm so tired that I can't even think of what to write. Soccer afternoon for half the family. Lots of computer-based work for me, much of it feeling like swimming against the current (trying to figure things out but with slow progress). I have meetings all day and into the late evening tomorrow! I need to make sure I exercise or otherwise get outside.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Best in show
Monday, March 10, 2025
My brain is really foggy tonight due to fasting. I'm definitely feeling it more than usual today!
I had work-related errands this morning (and I saw the sun!). Eric and I took a walk in the afternoon before the rain started up again. We had to cancel Freeze Family Foot.
Ivy got really frustrated this evening because she wanted to "do" something (make/craft). We got out all sorts of craft supplies but we either didn't have all of the supplies for a project, or she tried something and it didn't work...
Sunday, March 09, 2025
Wind and rain
All of the city parks were closed today because of the wind. It wasn't extraordinarily windy. We always laugh when things close down because of wind.
It started raining mid-afternoon and hasn't stopped. We have two loads of laundry getting washed again outdoors on the lines. Oh well, the price we pay for living here. Zari played in the rain and they tied 0-0, which is a vast improvement over some of their losses.
We all ate together with my parents and their visitors: green beans, Tuscan butter gnocchi, and...
Saturday, March 08, 2025
While Eric, Ivy, and Inga had a super soccer Saturday and were gone all day until 6 pm, the other half of us had a nice lazy day. Well, lazy for the kids. I did taxes! I got them off by early afternoon and there was much rejoicing.
Then the 3 of us went to a movie. Zari has a Pass Culture, which gives her several hundred dollars towards cultural events, books, performances, movies, etc. She and Dio went on her pass and I bought a ticket. We saw "A...
Friday, March 07, 2025
On top of all my other duties, I've been doing our taxes. It's not an easy feat because we have so many expenditures and receipts to track and of course I'm doing it all by hand.'s almost done and ready to send off to our tax person!
Dinner was sauteed vegetables and hamburgers (Ivy's request) and some cookies I found at Aldi. Fasting day for me so I got to prep but not eat!
Dio's soccer cleats came completely apart. After multiple gluings, they could not be resuscitated so he...
Thursday, March 06, 2025
My day:
yawn run shower work taxes meetings dinner socialize read write yawn
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Wednesday, March 05, 2025
My parents have their second set of visitors. They'll be hosting guests for almost the rest of their stay! We all ate dinner together, managing to cram 10 people around our dining table.
Inga's flooring in the back of her room has 2 coats of finish installed. I'll see if it needs a third coat tomorrow. Then we're mostly wrapped up for home improvement projects this year, except for the kitchen counters and perhaps some repairs in the staircase and common areas. Maybe. We keep saying we want to get...
Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Ivy woke up feeling much better. She was so relieved because her class had a Carnaval party and people could dress up. She was a spear fisher, dressed in a wetsuit, diving mask, weight belt, accroche poisson (with paper fish attached!), and flippers. She won a prize for the most original costume.
I got the flooring in the back of Inga's room done--first I had to fix the wood cleats to the wall with threaded rods, then fit and glue the plywood in place. We were going to install hardwood...
Monday, March 03, 2025
Happy 14th birthday, Inga! (yesterday)
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Many Zoom meetings today...comme d'hab!
I captured a candid camera video of Inga and Dio goofing around speaking with very bad accents.
3 out of 4 kids had soccer today.
Oh--great news--Zari got accepted into Trinity College at the University of Toronto with a first year scholarship that would cover tuition and a bit more! She also is accepted at the University of Ottawa. All of the other places she's still waiting to hear back from, but so far these are both excellent choices and very interesting to her.
It's still going to be...
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sunday, February 23, 2025
Some wins, some losses
Everyone but Ivy had soccer games today. I went to Dio's this morning, and his team won 3-0. Inga and Zari had afternoon games. Inga's team won 3-1 with Inga scoring one beautiful goal. Zari's team lost 5-0.
My mom made an amazing dinner, which I couldn't eat because today is my fasting day. It will be so good tomorrow!
Mixed greens with beets, goat cheese, pistachios, pomegranate seeds, and a homemade dressing
Roasted butternut squash
Lemon basil salmon
Molten lava cakes with whipping cream
I'm feeling a bit fuzzy headed but that's probably...
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Except for a super long line at the Mont Blanc tunnel, we had an uneventful drive home with no stops required. Lots of goofiness in the car, sometimes too much noise (from Dio and Inga), many snacks consumed.
I'll deal with putting all of the ski gear away tomorrow. Right now our living room is stuffed with bags of equipment.
I forgot that I'd turned the water heater on vacation mode, so we have a lineup of kids who want to shower but no hot water.
Two soccer games tomorrow,...
Friday, February 21, 2025
Chamonix day 6

Thursday, February 20, 2025
Chamonix day 5
Well today was a bust--for me. I went to bed last night, quite tired, but then I was wide awake. Hours passed and I was so bored listening to Eric breathe, listening to the grooming machines grinding and beeping in the distance, listening to various kids and Eric wake up a few times to use the bathroom. And here I was still wide awake. I read for a bit but mostly just laid there...all night...still wide awake when it got light out. Still awake when my alarm went off.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Chamonix day 4
We had some talk of insubordination today: "I'm tired. I want to end early. I'm bored of skiing the same things every day." I admit, I felt some of those same things, too! It's hard work skiing 6 days in a row. And while there are several resorts all part of our ski pass, we've been staying in our favorite one because it has the best snow. But that means we ski the same runs...over and over. There is a ton of "hors piste" (off trail) skiing, but that is...
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Chamonix day 3
Despite being exhausted from skiing, I couldn't fall asleep until something like 2 am or later. I opted to rest in the morning and rejoin everyone after lunch.
Most interesting thing we saw today: a Catholic priest/monk/friar skiing in full priestly robes. I'm not sure of the correct terminology for his office, but he had a long black dress on, no rope around the waist that I could see. Plus he was skiing! Not something you see every day!
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Monday, February 17, 2025
Chamonix day 2
Not much new to report. Same gorgeous, clear, calm weather, slightly below freezing at the top and slightly above at the bottom. Lots of great skiing. Sore legs, tired bodies, happy minds at the end of the day.
Eric and I did a quick grocery run after we got home (a 10-minute walk to the center of the village). We have most of what we need for the week but there are always miscellaneous ingredients that we need.
The 3 youngest had enough energy to go sledding in the dark...
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Chamonix day 1

Friday, February 14, 2025
Packing up

Thursday, February 13, 2025
Saved by the Frenchman and his hammer

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
The best themepark
I had some returns to make at Ikea, so we made an excursion out of it, bringing Ivy and Inga and my grandparents. We took the tram and enjoyed wandering VERY SLOWLY through the entire store while Ivy and Inga opened every door, drawer, and cupboard they could find. They loved all of the little apartments they could explore.
Who needs Disneyland when you can go to Ikea for free?
We ate lunch, enjoying half off the hot meals (a Wednesday special, as evidence by the packed cafeteria). We so rarely...
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
We've been here for 2 months and still haven't gone hiking once! It's driving me crazy. We were going to go tomorrow but rain is forecast all day.
Lots of meetings today, punctuated by errands and a quick walk to see the Carnaval setup. Not much to see yet, since it doesn't officially open until tomorrow
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Monday, February 10, 2025
Putting my life in order
We did a huge tool reorganization, moving all of the renovating tools out of the apartment, cleaning out and organizing our small storage area in the basement, and bringing the less-used and larger tools over to our storage area in our garage. Dio helped me for about 2 hours, carrying every item up and/or down many flights of stairs. I agree to pay him with a new Brawl Stars pass. (Why is that game so interesting? I have no idea!)
Ivy thought she was going to have a baby tooth pulled...
Sunday, February 09, 2025
Wave of dizziness
I woke up this morning, opened my eyes, and was hit by a wave of vertigo so strong that I thought I would throw up. I got myself downstairs and to the bathroom and it subsided. Very strange and out of the blue.
I wasn't feeling very well this morning--a bit feverish and quiet "off"--so I stayed home and slept almost the whole morning! If you know me, you know that is so out of character for me. Meaning I really needed that rest.
I'm feeling pretty good, in part...
Saturday, February 08, 2025
I came down with The Plague yesterday afternoon. It hit hard and fast and I could barely move shortly after it started.
I'm feeling a bit icky today but definitely better than 24 hours ago.
Inga and Ivy both had games. Inga's team lost 6-0 and yet again they played Inga on defense the whole time, to everyone's frustration (including a lot of other parents: "Why are the playing Inga on defense? That makes no sense!"). Ivy's team won 4-2. Then they went to a professional game at the big...
Friday, February 07, 2025
Help me choose new glasses!

Thursday, February 06, 2025
Bad vision
My vision has been seeming off and wearing contacts or glasses seemed worse than foregoing entirely. I finally went to an opthlamologist and my "bad" eye is still the same (-1) but my "good" eye is even better (used to be -1, now -0.25). That's why I didn't like wearing glasses or contacts--they were too strong in one eye! I now offically only need to wear contacts in one eye since they don't come in -0.25. I need to get new glasses, though.
Not a whole lot else going on besides...
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Every day I'm working my way through little kitchen tasks. We're so close (except for the counters)! But not done and so it drives me crazy because I want to FINISH things.
We'll have a functioning sink, dishwasher, and washing machine by Friday, which means we can finally cook up here again.
I co-taught a big lecture at UCSF yesterday and had tons of other breech work going on. Still catching up on various tasks that seem to multiply faster than I can resolve them!
We had a nice evening downstairs...
Monday, February 03, 2025
After several weeks of rain and/or illness, we were finally able to have our Monday night FFFF: Freeze Family Football (and Friends!). Zari had class, but the rest of the kids went, along with one of Ivy's classmates (who lived in our apartment while we were in the States).
We made a trip to Ikea to return All The Stuff and to buy More Stuff. Not much else to do on the kitchen for 5-6 weeks until the countertops arrive.
I'm getting a big presentation ready for UCSF tomorrow--Whitney Rose...
Saturday, February 01, 2025
Rain, soccer, and more kitchen work

Friday, January 31, 2025
I brought Ivy to a family doctor after school (yes, she was finally feeling well enough to go! No more fever!). Based on her symptoms, Ivy has the flu: 5-7 days of fever, extreme weakness and fatigue, sore legs and back. We came home with multiple prescriptions (of course!) including "Saint Doliprane." They LOVE Doliprane (tylenol/acetaminophen) over here. I filled just the cough syrup antihistamine one.
She also got a prescription for a full spine x-ray since she has had lower back pain for more than a year now. Since...
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Day 6 of The Plague
Ivy is STILL sick! She was looking a bit better in the morning, so we thought she might be able to go to school in the afternoon. However, by lunchtime she was looking just as bad if not worse, and she still had a fever. So no school for her.
I have put almost all of our kitchen things into our kitchen. So exciting. I need to install the knobs and drawer pulls tomorrow. I have also organized all of our craft/sewing/drawing/painting supplies as well as our board games. Everything fits...
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Going gray

Monday, January 27, 2025
Ivy has been super sick the past 3 days: high fever, super achey body, a bit of a cough. She had to miss school today and I'm not optimistic that she'll be well tomorrow.
Our plumber came this morning and crimped all of the connections. In and done in less than 10 minutes! He'll be back next week to hook up the drain lines. Once the plumbing was done, that allowed us to install the rest of the base cabinets as well as the washing machine.
I also installed a...
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Ivy is sick with a fever, so she had to miss her soccer game today. Eric is the coach, so he still went. Her team lost 3-2; they were also down a goalie and so were greatly disadvantaged with the loss of two important players.
Inga had a game later in the afternoon; her team won 5-0 and Inga scored 2 goals, one while playing defense (which is not her normal position) and the other in the last 5 minutes when she got put on offense.
Zari and Dio helped...
Friday, January 24, 2025
Let there be light(s)!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Upper cabinets!

Monday, January 20, 2025
42-hr fast

Sunday, January 19, 2025
I was feeling a bit off this morning, so I thought I'd stay home and take it easy. But then I saw the kitchen walls just crying out to be sanded...and then when the sanding was done, I figured, "I might as well paint them." So by the end of the day I had 1 coat of primer and 2 coats of paint up on the nice smooth walls! Oops, how did that happen?
Dio and Zari both had soccer games today. Zari's was 2 hours away so she was gone...
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Friday, January 17, 2025
Immigrants, they get the job done!

Thursday, January 16, 2025
Let there be light! (and power)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Inga is Baron Harkonnen

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Monday, January 13, 2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Dio had a soccer game this morning, which I watched. It was a lovely sunny day. His team lost 3-1 but I think Dio played well.
Zari had a game in the afternoon--they lost 8-0!
I took a walk with Inga, Ivy and my mom. We stumbled upon the "vide grenier" in the port, which was fun. I think it happens twice a month.
I've spent so much time trying to give things away, waiting for people to show up and then them not showing up (and some who did, thankfully)....
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Friday, January 10, 2025
Au revoir à la cuisine

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