Saturday, December 05, 2020

French quarantine 2.0, day 15

1,940 steps 

Yes, I hardly walked at all today...blame it on the rain! I did, however, bike a good distance in the rain (long story). We stayed in today and did rainy Saturday things, like origami and board games and watching a Miyazaki film. I even did some mending. We got all of our tools out from the far recesses of the attic and put them into the communist apartment. 

Dinner last night was homemade sushi: spicy crab or cucumber-smoked salmon-bell pepper-egg-avocado. We ate the leftovers for lunch. 

Dinner tonight was Thai larb salad and the last of the lemon cheesecake. So good! 

Zari had a long crying spell this evening when she discovered that she didn't do well on her last French assignment (slightly higher than the class average...but that didn't help her feel any better). I tried to cheer her up but it was mostly ineffectual. 

But she did laugh when I gave her a dramatic rendition of my great devastation upon receiving my very first A- in college, thus ruining my perfect 4.0 GPA and setting me on the road to failure and financial ruin. (Not really--it just turned my GPA into 3.99 which was HORRIBLE at the time.)


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