Thursday, June 01, 2023

French apartment renovations, Day 695: Filming, fish, bats, and more sickness

Ivy woke up with a fever--no school for her. She was very disappointed to miss school.

I worked on prepping a few lectures in the morning, then after lunch got busy filming. I was interrupted about 20 times while the camera was running! I've never had such bad luck. I did manage to film two different lectures and got one completely edited, encoded, and captioned (title shot below, blurred for those pearl-clutching folks who don't like to see babies coming out).

Inga wants to sew a bat stuffed animal, so this evening we cut out the pieces and started sewing them together. I can't do much more until I find some batting.

I sewed 5 small pillow covers for the big L-shaped couch, using leftover fabric from Le Catamaran.

Eric caught two fish this afternoon but had to leave for Dio's soccer game before dinner. We'll eat them tomorrow.

We finally got (another) HVAC person to come fix our ongoing issues. He got everything on the 2nd floor running after much calling the manufacturer, testing wires, swapping around of parts, and grumbling about the terrible job the first installers did.

We discovered a hole in one of the drain hoses that had been plastered over inside the wall--had we not discovered it now, we would have had an ongoing leak behind the wall and kitchen cupboards that would have been a nightmare to fix down the road.


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