Wednesday, March 15, 2023

French apartment renovations, Day 644: A change in our routine and tool reincarnation

So...good news: our table saw is still under warranty! I called customer service and they took down my information and asked me to email a copy of the receipt, a description of the problem, and our address. I believe we're going to be sent a new one.

I did more stenciling this morning and helped my dad with flooring. Ivy helped in the late afternoon; she opened the boxes of flooring, sorted the boards by size, and handed me the boards. I let her lay a few pieces.

We had to cut our front door down due to adding the height of the flooring. It's a temporary door so we didn't mind that the cut was quick and not 100% perfect.

It was also our normal soccer day, but all mixed up because Inga had an event in Menton. I had to drive Inga and Dio to Cavigal, hop out of the car and let Eric take the wheel, wait a few minutes for Ivy's training to finish, and then bring Ivy home.

I'm getting things ready for my upcoming travels to Poland, Greece (Thessaloniki and Athens), and South Africa (East London, Johannesburg, and Cape Town). I have flyers to order, translations to coordinate, and travel arrangements to finalize.


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