Friday, May 29, 2020

French déconfinement day 19

10,263 steps

I got out Ivory and Sophie today and did a series of breech simulation videos. I have someone coming next week to act as a "student." It's much better when I'm teaching a student, rather than me running back and forth between the pushing side and the catching side. But it still worked okay.

Ivy is off school Thursdays and Fridays, so we invited a few of her school friends over. Lots of happy shrieking coming from up in the attic while I was editing videos.

I baked sourdough loaves that had been proofing in the fridge for 48 hours. I pulled them out and let them rise for 6 hours, which ended up being too long. The dough flattened as soon as I put it onto the backing sheet. I've figured out most things with sourdough, but not the timing of when to bake. Nevertheless, the bread was delicious with a very strong sourdough flavor.


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