Tuesday, May 05, 2020

French quarantine day 47

4,996 steps

One side effect of confinement: Eric discovered Vinted. He now spends time every day admiring metal-studded Louboutins, or mirror-encrusted Diors, or whatever else crazy men's designer shoes are out there.

Him: "Look, these are so cool!"

Me: "Wow, only 90 Euros! Look how much money you'd be saving." Eye roll.

Him: "But they're usually 900 Euros."

Me: I give him The Look.

Him: "These shoes are works of art."

I finally managed to film one of the online breech workshop sessions. I had a space all set up downstairs--even repainted it--then discovered the the single-glazed windows let it way too much noise. So I had to find a spot in our apartment with a) enough natural light and b) a blank wall and c) enough room to set up a tripod and a stand for my laptop. Then I also had to somehow get the kids out of the apartment for almost 2 hours.

And, miraculously, we made it work! We had to move everything out of our living room and take the picture off the wall. Then before dinner we had to put it all back. We'll have to do the same thing every day until I've finished all of my filming.

When the kids came back inside, Inga saw my camera on the tripod and said, "Can I please film something?" I clipped the microphone on her shirt and pushed "record." Here is what she came up with: Inga's breech workshop. It was totally unprompted and unscripted.


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