Thursday, June 18, 2020

French déconfinement day 39

9,911 steps

We got a text that our new visas were ready to pick up. We had applied for them more than a year ago...Off we went to the prefecture, super excited...and when we arrived at the préfecture we found out we didn't get the visa we applied for. Just another temporary one. And of course no one can tell us why.

"Try writing a letter," said the woman at the visa counter. But she couldn't even supply a specific name or department within the préfecture. We spoke to several other people and they all shrugged and said, "We can't tell you why."

I've since heard from many people that they've had the same troubles with this particular visa--even being married to a French person, having children here, owning homes, paying taxes, and running businesses. There seems to be no sense to who gets one who does not. So today was a very depressed day at our house. We can still stay in France but we're back to where we started and have to try again next year.

On the up side...Breech Without Borders' new website is live! Check it out and let me know what you think:

Also a random doodle that Zari made in her school book, then photographed, then put together into an animation.


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