Friday, June 19, 2020

French déconfinement day 40

40 days of "un-quarantine." Besides a reduction in the usual tourist crowds, Nice has mostly reverted back to pre-covid norms.

Theme of the day: shutters. Most Americans have never seen or used operable shutters. Shutters are common in the US, but they are almost always decorative and are screwed directly onto the house. Even worse, shutters on American houses often don't match the window size or shape!

It was such a revelation when I first came to France, and the shutters actually closed! And opened! Amazing!

Our apartment shutters have a shutter-within-a-shutter. You can prop open the small shutter to let in extra air but no light or heat. Or you can open the big ones all the way up.

Every morning, we open our windows, then open our shutters. The "clack" of the shutters against the building and the "clink" of the shutter dogs are two sounds that define mornings in France.


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