Wednesday, April 20, 2022

French apartment renovations, Day 484: Blessed and cursed by the Covid gods

9,365 steps

Well, I got a message tonight that no one wants to hear: "I have Covid." This was from my obstetrician colleague who is in the middle of teaching breech workshops! In the next 5 days he is teaching 4 full days in 2 different states.

Fortunately, we just happened to have a midwife from MSF who works with Breech Without Borders only 3 hours away from where he is currently teaching...and who could take off and work for a week with only an hour's notice...and who was more than happy to come help out! She is getting in her car as I type.

All in all, it worked out pretty well. But boy, imagine the number of phone calls and emails I had to do this past hour to arrange everything.

The plumber came this morning and did the drain lines. Besides hooking up one little last thing under the shower, he is finished inside the apartment until it's time for the final hook-ups once everything is installed. I did a bit of work in the morning before the usual soccer afternoon craziness.

Oh, and of COURSE I had to wake up at 4 am this morning and then lie in bed with to-do lists running through my head.


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