Monday, August 24, 2020

American ??? day 13

Busy day yesterday and no time to update...

On Sunday we went on a hike to a local state park. Where we live, it's corn and soy fields in all directions. But about 30 minutes away there's a state park with some short but fun hikes. We saw skinks, frogs, chipmunks, millipedes, and water skeeters. Also lots of poison ivy. You don't dare go walking off the paths because you'll be covered in poison ivy burns. 

Today was 91° F (almost 33° C). With 84% humidity. So I broke down and turned on the air conditioning. I haven't turned it on since we got back to the States. As long as the temperatures are below 85-87° (30° C), our house stays quite comfortable. We open up the windows at night, run fans everywhere, and close the windows in the morning.


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