Monday, October 24, 2022

Clean house, east gable

20,439 steps

I'm STILL feeling icky. I keep thinking I'm done and keep thinking wrong. It's now a runny nose, sore throat, raw lungs, and general low-grade malaise.

But...well enough to go running in the morning and do my usual activities. I'm definitely feeling worn out tonight, though.

Today is our last day of warm weather for who knows how long. We took advantage and cleaned the east gable (above the porch roof). It is SO satisfying to see the black mildew disappear and the paint change colors back to its original vibrant hues.

We put Zari and Dio to work raking the lawn, since rain is expected for tomorrow. Ivy and Inga "helped" me go grocery shopping. I'm still in shock and how much prices have gone up in the past two years. I have to force myself to buy the food regardless. We need to eat. That's what I keep telling myself.

I ended my day with a breech debrief. I'm ready to lie down and read something fun! (I suspect I will not stay awake very long).


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