Friday, April 10, 2020

French quarantine day 22

10,847 steps

Today the kids made a museum and charged admission. 1 aluminum foil coin = 5 minutes in the museum.

A few days ago our upstairs neighbor complained about noise (our kids were hopping around on one foot). She's super when she complains, it meant the noise was really bad. We really are trying to keep the noise down. I promise!

Other than the noise incident, our kids have been remarkably well-tempered. Yes, they have the occasional spats and hurt feelings. Yes, I feel like I'm telling them to stop arguing more than I would like. But overall, they are great kids. They have so much fun playing together and rarely complain about boredom.

I'm feeling particularly grateful because I announced a 10-minute cleanup after dinner. They all helped right away without any nagging. Ivy even said, "I want to do 20 minutes of cleaning, not just 10!"

This quarantine is asking so much of all of us, and I suspect children are struggling as much as the adults. And none of us really know what we're doing or when it's going to end or what normal will look like afterwards.

ps, here is one idea for what to do with the mountains of finished homework or drawings. Make it into claws!


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