Monday, April 27, 2020

French quarantine day 39

10,381 steps

I tried hard, but we couldn't get all our school work done in the morning. And yeah, it was stressful on me, having to help one child to after another after another. I felt like I didn't even sit down all day!

But we did take a late morning walk/soccer practice. And another one after dinner. Most days the kids play soccer with Eric while I go on a brisk 2-mile walk. Because of the twice-daily soccer practice, we've seen noticeable improvements in their ball handling skills. Zari has even shown enthusiasm, whereas a few weeks ago we couldn't convince her to participate. She said today, "I'm excited for soccer, which is weird. It must be because confinement makes going out more interesting."

More updates on "le déconfinement": Ivy and Dio start back up on May 12, in classes limited to 15 or less. Inga has to wait another 2 weeks, and then she'll be on some sort of alternating schedule (part in-person, part distance learning). I think the school is still trying to sort out all the details. As for Zari, we haven't heard any updates yet.

And of course, what would childhood be without putting underwear on one's head?


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