Tuesday, February 15, 2022

French apartment renovations, Day 420: I can't think of a title

5,797 steps

I worked downstairs most of the day leveling the floors. We sent the kids out on an "adventure" in the afternoon. The instructions were to go outside for at least an hour and do something fun.

I had two Zoom meetings this evening, back-to-back.

Dinner was "what's in the fridge", which turned into a risotto with caramelized onion & shallot, Toulouse sausages, white wine, morel/cepe/button mushrooms, & parmesan cheese. It was super delicious. We also made a salad with whatever vegetables we had left, and Eric bought a few fancy cheeses from the local cheese store.

Not a whole lot else going on. Soccer tomorrow and hopefully a family hike/adventure on Thursday.


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