Thursday, August 25, 2022

Breech week, day 2

5,657 steps

2 (real) breech births
Hundreds of (fake) breech births
A lot of laughter

Our day started at 7 am and didn't finish until 9:30 pm! To be fair, the last few hours were dinner with the head OB and midwife involved in making breech week happen at Reading Tower Health. I don't consider that part work 🙂

David Hayes got called by a midwife during our lunch break; she had a breech in labor and called with some questions. A few hours later David got an update that the baby had been born. Then during dinner, the OB's pager went off: a local direct-entry midwife had a multip breech in labor that needed hospital transport and didn't seem to be a good situation for a vaginal birth. He had to leave dinner early to attend to this birth.

We trained a group of residents first thing, then had a few other simulation sessions with a mixture of attendings and midwives. I'm quite impressed with how the OB department has changed their culture here; they used to be unfriendly to home birth transfers, and now they have cultivated relationships with local midwives and strive to create a supportive, non-judgmental environment to encourage seamless transfers. They were able to give the transferring midwives doula privileges, so the midwives can stay with their clients after transfer.

Anyway so much more to say, but I'm completely exhausted. Time for bed!


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