Sunday, January 09, 2022

French apartment renovations, Day 383: Sunny Sunday

3,481 steps

Wow, I really didn't go far today: just to the beach and back in the afternoon for some family Vitamin D therapy. Inga and I stayed the whole time at the beach, while Eric took Ivy and Zari up to the chateau. Dio griped about being bored and finally after an hour I told him to walk up and down the chateau and then he could go home. (What is up with him not ever wanting to leave the house? It's not like we're doing anything that interesting here!)

I read for much of the day, except for cooking dinner (chana dal on basmati rice) and baking 4 large sourdough loaves. Oh, and watching 2 episodes of The Flash with the family.

I wanted to get outside and go on a walk with Eric but our evening ended up flying by, mostly helping kids with homework or putting them to bed.


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