Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Unpacking & planning

I think after today, I'll just stop talking about sleep (or the lack thereof) since it's getting old. Ugh.

We've been slowly unpacking and putting things away. I love the "putting things in the giveaway pile" best! We have a ways to go but at least all the suitcases and about 10 bags from the attic are unpacked.

I went running this morning and ran errands in the afternoon, bringing me up to over 13,000 steps.

I started drawing up plans for our kitchen. Yes, we are going to redo our own kitchen now! There are several issues--huge burned spots on the countertops from a tenant 2 years ago, rotten area of the counter behind the sink, several cabinets de-laminating. So it's time to redo.

The kitchen will become much bigger, making a large "L" shape. I plan to build a desk into the far end of the "L" and for the first time in 9 years here, I'll actually have a place to work! Right now my "office" is our couch. But with all the video editing, graphic design, and book editing that I do, it would be great to have a proper desk and a large monitor.

Also up for redoing this year: our shower and sink. The shower base now has several cracks, sealed up temporarily with silicone. The shower faucet has a slow leak but you can't buy a replacement part. And the doors aren't opening or closing very well anymore.

The renovating won't be nearly as intense this time, but it will be enough to keep my dad busy (which is very important). And fortunately we'll have a nice big kitchen downstairs in Le Chateau so we can continue to cook, store food, etc during the renovations.

Oh, and a few pictures of the piano because why not?


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