Friday, August 20, 2021

French apartment renovations, Day 242: More of the same

3,863 steps

How come sanding and mudding drywall doesn't translate into my fitness tracker? I'm even moving my arms back and forth!

Zari had soccer practice again. Inga spent much of the day with a friend. Just more of the usual: installing drywall, sanding, taping, and mudding. The older sister of one of Ivy's friends came to learn how to do mudding and taping. I felt myself searching for the right vocabulary words for "mud pan" and "countersunk" and "feather" (as in feathered edges). Not things that you learn at university!

Normally we take weekends off from the Communist apartment. But since we'll be on a mini dog-sitting vacation for 3 days next week, I am going to put in a half day of work tomorrow. We have a bit more drywall to put up on the kitchen ceiling and around the sewer pipes in the corner. Eric will work on that while I do the mudding.


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