Tuesday, August 31, 2021

French apartment renovations, Day 253: Shopping for la rentrée

8,467 steps

School starts in 2 days, so that means a big shopping trip for school supplies. Inga came with me this afternoon and was my list reader/checker. I'm really glad she was there, because it was difficult enough coordinating multiple lists and keeping track of what we had and what we still needed.

We worked in the morning. I filled more of the cracks next to the beams while Eric hooked up electrical outlets. We also took the plywood off two more windows. We have light! (Well, some light...this apartment will always be a bit dim since the windows in the back apartment only open into an interior staircase/courtyard, not truly to the exterior).

I made Boeuf Bourguignon, which the kids adore. It's a beef stew cooked in red wine with mushrooms, carrots, onions, bay leaves, & thyme. Sometimes I follow a recipe but tonight I just made it with what I had on hand. For dessert, Dio volunteered to go to the grocery store for Magnum bars.

I gave Dio a haircut this evening while Eric put Ivy and Inga to bed. We're going to wake everyone up early to get them ready for school the following day.


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