Saturday, December 03, 2022

Breech tour du monde, day 24: Brisbane, day 2

Our main classroom is situated above a Hindu temple. Incense and chanting were wafting upward throughout the day. The weather was beautiful, perfect for opening all of the windows and allowing the breeze to blow through.

We had a lively group with many midwives who were obviously close friends. One came from 4,000 km away in Darwin!

I woke up early again, but I managed to get back to sleep until a more reasonable 5:30 am or so. We change time zones again tomorrow, so I'll be back to waking up at 3 am 🙁

I have to stay awake long enough for our laundry to dry. Then it's time to pack and get everything set for an early departure (6:45 am) and a 5-hour flight to Perth.


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