Tuesday, May 25, 2021

French apartment renovations, Day 155: On the 2nd day of plumbers...

12,314 steps

My true love gave to me: a toilet drain hidden in the wall!

They managed to chisel out enough rocks to recess the entire 10 cm drain pipe into the wall. It's all connected and is awaiting the final tees when they come back. The rough coat of plaster is in.

They also installed the shower/water heater drain lines and started plastering them in as well.

They're done for this week and will be back next week to finish the rest.

We didn't do anything on the apartment since we didn't want to be in the way. I feel bad for not getting work done, but I suppose work *is* getting done, right?

I went running this morning and did a lot of sedentary computer work. I finally needed to get outside and stretch my legs mid-afternoon. Eric and I read on the beach and I got some good Vitamin D therapy plus a cat nap.

I brought Ivy to a new place after school, the Jardin Albert 1er. We've been there many times, but not as an after-school play spot. There are these amazing temporary garden exhibitions, so the group of girls and fun running around in them.


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