Tuesday, March 15, 2022

French apartment renovations, Day 448: Fatigue, plumbers, grand rounds, bows & arrows

8,273 steps

Something must be going around because Ivy and Inga both complained about being very tired at school today. Ivy said she fell asleep at one point, and Inga didn't have the energy to play hand ball. And Eric feels off, too! Maybe that explains my unsual fatigue the past week or two.

I took a nap this afternoon. I just had to.

The plumbers arrived and got all the water supply lines laid. The marked on the wall where a channel needs to be cut for the drain pipe, and I got that cut and chiseled out in the afternoon. They'll be back tomorrow for the drain lines. Then they wait for us to finish the tiling etc before doing the final hookups. Wow! It's really happening.

I also put the special primer in the shower area (primaire d'accrochage). Next I need to apply 2 coats of waterproofing membrane.

I did Grand Rounds for UCSF & SFGH today, in combination for a breech training we are holding all this week in San Francisco. Whew! It was fun but lots of pressure leading up to it. I had planned for 45 minutes and probably went about 47. I had to speed through the last few slides because we were running out of time.

This evening the kids started making tiny bows and arrows out of wood ice cream sticks, dental floss, and toothpicks. They worked remarkably well. I should see if I can get a video of it tomorrow.


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