Wednesday, March 30, 2022

French apartment renovations, Day 463: Taxes are a pain

5,607 steps

I've been intensely focused on getting our finances in order today...downloading spreadhsheets, going through all our expenditures line by line. It's given me a headache. Literally--I feel like there's a knife stabbed through my eyeball.

And I also started our visa renewal process. Double headache.

When I get really focused, it's hard for me to swtich tracks and pay attention to anything else. Add a near-migraine on top of that, and you have an irritable mother who doesn't have patience for the normal noise and shenanigans.
It wasn't *terrible* today, but ugh I want the taxes to be over.

Today was our normal soccer day. Alas the weather was overcast and slightly rainy (well, for poor Dio it was VERY rainy!). Not a whole lot else going on. I'm going to stop working and head to bed for some reading and relaxing. No more Excel sheets tonight!


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