Sunday, March 27, 2022

French apartment renovations, Days 459-460: Birthday 2.0

13,970 steps

Eric came back from his conference around lunchtime, which meant we got to celebrate Ivy's birthday again! We finally had birthday cake (dark chocolate vegan cake with chocolate buttercream frosting & cherry jam between the layers). I kept it simple because next week's cake will be quite the production. Ivy and Inga decorated it with whatever objects they could find.

I was really tired this afternoon. The rest of the family watched a romantic comedy from the late 90s, while I went up on my bed and read a book (and napped a bit). Lots of ongoing commentary during and after the movie, almost MST3K style.

Yesterday tired all of us out. In fact, when I came back from putting Ivy and Inga to bed, I found both Zari and Dio asleep in the living room! So I roused them off the couches and sent them up to bed. I followed not that much later. I ended up reading for a while but still went to bed much earlier than normal.

3 of the 4 kids had soccer matches or tournaments. I went to Ivy's in the morning (a mini-tournament of five 15-minute games). Zari came to help out along with many of her teammates. Ivy's team won 3 matches and tied 2. I managed to see a beautful goal made by Ivy, but not on film.

An hour after we got home, I had to bring Inga back to the soccer club to RDV for a carpool to her game about 45 minutes away. Her team tied 1-1, with Inga scoring the only goal. Then a few hours later I sent Zari to go back to the RDV spot to pick Inga up. Meanwhile Dio went to his own match on his own. They won 4-3.

I had a Zoom meeting on Saturday as well. Yesterday's dinner was Thai coconut chicken soup and coconut cake. Today Eric made green peas, then sea scallops in a shallot cream sauce.


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