Saturday, October 21, 2023

A win and a loss

We were up at 6:15 am to bring Ivy and Inga to their soccer games. We were on the road by 7 am in the pitch dark. I dropped Eric and Ivy off near Indianapolis at 8 am, where they had to wait 3 hours for her game to begin. Then I drove another hour away to Inga's game, getting her there exactly at 9 am for warmups.

Inga's team won 2-1, although they had a lovely penalty kick that should have made it 3-1 but that got thrown out because the kicker's foot went over the line. Inga scored one of the goals with a beautiful left-footed kick.

It was cold and overcast where we were. I was bundled in my ski parka and a blanket and still was too cold. My toes were numb when I got back in the car.

Ivy's team lost, which meant they were out of the tournament. Not a great ending to her team's season. We arrived just after they had finished. (Although I'm sad her team lost, I'm glad as well because it meant we could all go home, rather than waiting for another 4 hours for the next game.) We got home around 1:45 pm.

We did gardening, mowing, and leaf raking in the afternoon. It turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon, warm enough for a tank top and shorts.

We watched one episode of the new Star Trek series and, once the two youngest were in bed, another episode of This Flag Means Death. Zari and Dio begged for "just one more" but we are tired!


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